School Mural Projects

Too many schools are stark, utilitarian environments with an abundance of large, windowless walls. These bare walls can be transformed into beacons of color and joy that celebrate the core values of the school as well as the brightest hopes and dreams we hold for our children. These walls can become a “welcome mat” for the school community, celebrating core school values like inclusivity, safety, and creativity.

Murals are one of the most cost-effective beautification project option among the many capital improvements schools consider. When the artwork is leveraged into school photos, websites, newsletters, and social media, it helps build school identity and pride. 

Oak Elementary

Residential Mural in Burligame, CA

Wellness Center Mural at Greene Middle School

Egan Middle School

Noddin Elementary

Residential Mural in Burligame, CA

Santa Rita Elementary

I have painted murals at dozens of schools, most of them in the San Francisco Peninsula area. Typically, the school projects begin with a parent or principal who holds a vision for the positive impact that a beautiful work of art would have on the campus. Getting the district and parent community on board with a school mural is easier with a clear vision as to how the artwork will enhance school culture. Working with an experienced artist with a broad portfolio and an established track record of success will help win over “mural skeptics” and garner approval at the district level. I make sure you have the tools to make your mural campaign a success including up-front designs that will help build consensus and fundraise from the school community, and a district-friendly standard contract.

Siena Youth Center Bus

Residential Mural in Burligame, CA

Springer Elementary

Residential Mural in Burligame, CA

Stocklmeir Elementary

Case Study: How to Transform a School for Under $15,000”

“I have seen countless children, parents, and teachers walk by in awe, totally captivated. Not only does it make our campus a brighter, more beautiful place to learn and play, it reminds our entire community of the tremendous importance of art.”

Christy Flahavan
PTA President
Springer Elementary School

What Clients are Saying

We are absolutely thrilled with the outcome of the four “Kindess Murals” you painted. It’s been really fun to watch children and families interacting – and taking photos in front of, the murals. We look forward to enjoying the murals on campus for many years to come.

Brandi Hucko

Principal Sotckmeir Elementary School

One of our young patients returned from emergency psychiatric services for a self-harm issue and when she came into our office she had a huge smile upon seeing the mural. It is amazing to all of us on staff how immediately a depressed patient responded to the mural art.

Chia-Chen Lee

Juvenille Hall Medical Clinic Pediatrics

I start every morning by looking at the murals. I take a breath, look at it for 5 minutes, and then I can go into my office and work. The kids hang out by the murals at every recess and enjoy them as a part of their life every day, as well. I didn’t expect that parents would walk up to me constantly to thank me. That was a great surprise. One lady cried in my office, ‘it is so beautiful!’ The school just became instantly better!Rosemary Hughes

Audrey Prouse

Assistant Principal, Stocklmeir Elementary Cupertino, CA

Getting Started…

Let’s discover your vision.

Call me to schedule a campus walkthrough (currently zoom is our “next best” option) to discuss which walls are best situated for mural art on your campus. We will explore the story we want to tell about your unique school culture and the values you want to celebrate through the artwork, as well as budget and opportunities for student and community engagement.

Review the proposal for the project.

The proposal will include a sample design, examples of previous school murals of similar scope and themes, a bid for the wall(s) and scope under consideration, a sample district-friendly contract, proof of insurance, and invoice for the design phase if you would like to move forward.

Make the whole school part of the artmaking in action.

From developing a design with a team that includes staff and students, creating opportunities for the students to watch and engage with the artist during the mural painting, and a mural dedication party to celebrate the financial support from the school community: Let’s knock it out of the park. The success of this mural project opens the door for more amazing campus beautification projects.

If you would like to read more about why I think mural art in schools is so important, I invite you to download my “Why School Murals Rock” handbook.

Mural Pricing

The overall scope of the project and level of complexity of the design will influence the total cost of the project. The minimum project fee for school murals is $7,500.