Garden of Eatin’ – A School Mural for Alta Vista Elementary, Los Gatos

Alta Vista Elementary School in Los Gatos had a big blank wall that faced the street, just behind their promising school garden. It was a perfect storm for Morgan’s paintbrush! They wanted playful images to appeal to the primary grades, with BIG insects and garden inspired elements, but it had to be attractive enough to appease both the neighbors and parents in the school community. I had fun painting 3’ tall strawberries, and a 5’ long lizard. Perks of the job included having two assistants to help prep the wall and paint sunflowers, and also having so many neighbors and families stop by to give me encouraging feedback.
Click here to see more images of this mural.
Oakland Children’s Hospital NICU project
There is a room in the Oakland Children’s hospital where hospital staff bring parents when they have devastating news to deliver, or drastic decisions to make. The room is windowless and bare, with a spare computer on a tray in the corner. It is not a happy space. Then Peggy Thomas came along. You can read more about this amazing woman on my recent blog post. Essentially, she had a vision of what the room could, and should be. And despite limited means and experience with mural projects, took it upon herself to transform the space. She wanted to incorporate the history of the hospital but, more importantly, create an image of beauty and safety that would comfort both the hospital staff and families dealing with a crisis. Perks of the job were working with Peggy, and having her serenade me on the guitar. So sweet.
See more images from the Oakland Children’s Hospital NICU mural here.
Landel Elementary School – Ms. Brommitt’s Bench
Ms. Brommitt was a beloved first grade teacher for over 30 years. When she passed away from cancer last year, the school community wanted to celebrate her special contribution to the school. They considered a plaque or a bench, but then someone on the PTA suggested a mural. Great idea! I interviewed her closest allies on staff to find out what made Cheryl unique, and what images might best represent her. We came up with this sweet scene, painted on the wall outside her classroom. Perks of the job: great music coming from the playground before school (it energized me and the kids) , and meeting Mario Tejeda, the school custodian who brought to his work such a big heart and warm smiles for everyone.
Click here to see more images from the Landel’s mural project.
I am enjoying the peak of summer fruits, weather, and low key lifestyle. I hope you are too!
Blessings to you!
Morgan Bricca
Morgan Mural Studios