I love working at elementary schools. The kids are so appreciative, honest, precious, and eager to share their thoughts. I am painting at Juana Briones right now. On my second day, one boy asked if I was going to paint any fairies in the mural.

I said, “I was just painting the things we might see around the garden.”

“Oh, there are fairies in the garden,” he replied seriously.

“Awesome! Then I can paint one. About how big are they?”

He raises his fingers about 4 inches. “About this big.”

“Can you show me one?”

“Well, they aren’t out in the day, you have to come early in the morning.”

“Oh. About what time? I get here pretty early.”

“About 7 am.”

“OK! I will look for some tomorrow morning!”

Then today, he comes up to me and asks, “Did you see any fairies here this morning?”

“No! I looked and didn’t see any.”

“Hmmm. I think they all disappear by sunrise, I think you need to come at 2 am.”

“Hmmm…That’s a bit early for me!”

I think I will hide some fairies in the mural anyway. I can’t wait to show him! I love my job. Julia drew me a picture of a dragonfly to include in the mural, and another girl said her chicken died last week and can I paint that in the mural? Sure! This is fun.

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Morgan Bricca
Morgan Bricca

Morgan Bricca is an internationally-renowned mural artist with over 25 years of experience in public, residential and commercial art. Morgan's signature work transforms spaces into visually compelling environments, drawing inspiration from nature and human connection. Her work celebrates local communities and history, with murals spanning from her home state of California to the Dakotas and the Carolinas, as well as in Portugal, China, and beyond.

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