Finding Fairies

I love working at elementary schools. The kids are so appreciative, honest, precious, and eager to share their thoughts. I am painting at Juana Briones right now. On my second day, one boy asked if I was going to paint any fairies in the mural.
I said, “I was just painting the things we might see around the garden.”
“Oh, there are fairies in the garden,” he replied seriously.
“Awesome! Then I can paint one. About how big are they?”
He raises his fingers about 4 inches. “About this big.”
“Can you show me one?”
“Well, they aren’t out in the day, you have to come early in the morning.”
“Oh. About what time? I get here pretty early.”
“About 7 am.”
“OK! I will look for some tomorrow morning!”
Then today, he comes up to me and asks, “Did you see any fairies here this morning?”
“No! I looked and didn’t see any.”
“Hmmm. I think they all disappear by sunrise, I think you need to come at 2 am.”
“Hmmm…That’s a bit early for me!”
I think I will hide some fairies in the mural anyway. I can’t wait to show him! I love my job. Julia drew me a picture of a dragonfly to include in the mural, and another girl said her chicken died last week and can I paint that in the mural? Sure! This is fun.