Art is Catharsis and Declaration

Art alchemizes fear into a higher vision, pain into possibility, loneliness into community.
Art is catharsis and declaration.
Art is omen and medicine. Atoning. Attuning.
Art is the subconscious craning to be attended, transcendence embodied.
Art is the Divine’s search light.
Art unifies us.
Art is now a matter of urgency.

I received these words yesterday in my inbox from one of my favorite soul-coaches, Danielle LaPorte. It’s the first time I’ve seen her write about art specifically, but her words rang timely and true to me.

Van Deene Elementary Mural at Torrance, California
Students will be welcomed back to Van Deene Elementary in Torrance, California with a new mural

Last week, I received an apologetic call from a city art commissioner expressing concern over the optics of spending money on art when so many small businesses on Main street were struggling. I understand the concern, but to me, it is a short-sighted approach. While every community is hit hard right now, in the long run, communities with strong public art programs thrive in a way that communities without art don’t. Art can get to the heart of issues faster than words, and resonate directly at a soul level. It can connect us where words and individual identities divide. I am moved by the significance of the Black Lives Matter word art along 16th Street in Washington D.C., by the MET sharing freely from their opera archives nightly, and by the updated playlist on one of my favorite Spotify stations, Pollen. These creative responses help us connect and understand the world in a new way. We need art now more than ever.

Great Thunberg Mural in Los Altos, California
This mural of Great Thunberg was the first remotely political mural I ever painted. The oncoming train gives a sense of uneasy urgency more potent than words.

Art is also how you show up. (The most powerful creative expression we have.) I was listening to Van Jones explain why he looks police officers in the eye and thanks them for their service at the protests he attends. Police have become a catch-all for broader but chronically ignored gaps in how we care for all members of our community. How can we show up (creatively) in a way that both protests abuse of power and also engages us (everyone, together, we) towards positive solutions?

When considering how you show up, remember that intentionally delighting others is also an art form. I have noticed around my community playful chalk art, rocks painted with words of encouragement, and people looking out for each other in remarkable ways. I love it. Being of service is an art form that we can all participate in.

Campbell Mural Painting by San Francisco Bay Area Mural Artist
A mural transforms how the yard feels at a private residence in Campbell, California

Handpainted Lion Mural with Lake Landscape
Handpainted Lion Mural with Lake Landscape

I am experiencing the increased time at home as a gift. Rushing and focusing only on productivity tends to stamp out the eddies of creativity that want to run through my days. I hope you are enjoying the slow down, and finding your own creative eddies to splash in.

Enjoy your summer,

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Morgan Bricca
Morgan Bricca

Morgan Bricca is an internationally-renowned mural artist with over 25 years of experience in public, residential and commercial art. Morgan's signature work transforms spaces into visually compelling environments, drawing inspiration from nature and human connection. Her work celebrates local communities and history, with murals spanning from her home state of California to the Dakotas and the Carolinas, as well as in Portugal, China, and beyond.

Articles: 511