What Drives My Art – A Car Enthusiast’s Garage Mural

My work as a collaborative artist requires careful listening and intuition on color and tonality, what to include (and not include), and the purpose of the piece. I create art that is unique for a particular space and a particular client. This dynamic work environment is more interesting to me than working in isolation in my studio on a piece that could live anywhere for anyone.

Here are two projects that illustrate collaborative art at its best. The nicest people I’ve never met seem to somehow find me, which makes the work so easy. Add in an idyllic work environment, and a huge canvas that can really impact a space, and I am all in.

Car Enthusiast Mural
Car Enthusiast Mural

Speaking of Driving…

Dick Smith is a car enthusiast. He still has his first car, and his second, and he owns an impressive collection of rare and unique vintage cars. He keeps them in pristine condition in his “man cave”, two garages full of art and whimsy as well as bibelot and photos celebrating a good life full of friends and family. It was a work of art before I ever arrived to see the big blank wall along one side of the space.

Many of his cars made an appearance in the mural. The newsstand highlights some of the news in his life, and the architecture of the drive up restaurant was inspired by his old favorite haunt, Spivey’s, in Sunnyvale.

Drive-in Mural Painting Details
Drive-in Mural Painting Details

The bug with blue flowers was his wife’s first car. The hand carved Hearst is one of thirteen in the world. He had a trompe l’oeil mural painted on the outside of his original business, of him pruning the hedges, which is included in the mural I painted. (Learn more about this mural here.)

Vintage Car Mural Painting
Vintage Car Mural Painting

Let’s Add a Few More Acres

Richard and Shellie already had a gorgeous backyard before I arrived. Flowers overflowed in a “riot of color” in pots, raised beds, and around terraced seating areas. Their peaceful garden was a major feature of their historic house in the Oakland Hills. They called me because there was a stucco wall that bordered one side of the garden that was obtrusively plain. The asked me, “Can you paint something attractive there?” It’s like being thrown a perfect pitch with the bases loaded. Here is the before photo:

mural image

A few days later:

Patio Mural with Lake Scene View
Patio Mural with Lake Scene View

Something delightful about the project? Homemade cappuccinos served in the garden. Something uncommon? Richard had flexible work, and was so enthusiastic about the project he pulled up a chair and watched me paint almost from beginning to end. I both created art in this tranquil setting and got to know a new person at the same time. I learned he plays the piano an hour every day, ever since he was little. Wow!

I was suprised he didn’t panic as he watched the artwork develop. Most people would not be able to resist asking, “Is that going to stay that color?” Or “That doesn’t really look like a tree yet… are you going to fix it?”. My creative process certainly doesn’t start out looking promising. But instead he seemed content just to watch it unfold on it’s own, sometimes I overheard him say “wow”. That was it!

You can watch the creation of this mural from beginning to end in 120 seconds with this stop motion video I created:

Watch Morgan paint the backyard pond mural

I also enjoyed long hugs from Dennis, a dog they had rescued only a few months before. I have never met a dog that gives hugs, but it was powerful. Dennis also makes an appearance in the mural, of course!

Private Residence Mural Painting on Garden Wall
Private Residence Mural Painting on Garden Wall

Thanks for reading about my latest projects! I am headed off today to North Carolina for a project at a new swim center in Raleigh. Have brushes, will travel!

Enjoy your summer,

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Morgan Bricca
Morgan Bricca

Morgan Bricca is an internationally-renowned mural artist with over 25 years of experience in public, residential and commercial art. Morgan's signature work transforms spaces into visually compelling environments, drawing inspiration from nature and human connection. Her work celebrates local communities and history, with murals spanning from her home state of California to the Dakotas and the Carolinas, as well as in Portugal, China, and beyond.

Articles: 510