Landscapes, Seascapes and Pirates!

Tranquility Landscape
Karen and Erik Zucker commissioned me to paint this for over their fireplace in their living room. At first, they were interested in another painting I had finished, of the Stanford dish area. However, once I explained to them how fun the custom painting process was, that we could design it to be the exact size they need, in the right color palette for the room, that we could include their dog and a bit of vineyard in the distance, and that my commissioned paintings are the same pricing as my finished work (I like to reward the brave of heart), they commissioned this painting. I think I want to paint another one just like it for my hearth… What would your dream landscape be?
A Pirate Submarine
One of the best parts of my job as a mural artist is the co-creative aspect of my work. On a recent project, my co-creator was six-year-old Maya. She had lots of cool ideas, and together we pieced them together to create her dream hideout in a crawl space closet off of her bedroom. In her mind, the closet was a pirate submarine that needed a high tech control panel (although there was some disappointment the buttons didn’t really work and she could not play video games on the screen). These pirates also collected fish and rare sea life, and then took notes on what they fine and see (including four mermaids playing hide and seek) on the handy corkboard that was on board the ship. These days, high tech pirates and collecting tropical fish are both loaded subjects. I enjoy seeing the world through the imagination of a six-year old. Reality is much more flexible. (Check out more pictures on this project here.)
Paradise Nursery
Last month Ban and Albert Yalda invited me down to San Diego to paint the nursery for their soon-to-be-born daughter. They chose a soft La Jolla Shores inspired landscape. I hope Ban can hear the waves break on the shore as she rocks her daughter to sleep.
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Blessings to you!
Morgan Bricca
Morgan Mural Studios