Masterclass: The Art and Business of Mural Painting

with Morgan Bricca

March 2023
9 AM to 3 PM daily
Location: Santa Clara, CA
Tuition: $750 


Please fill out the application below to apply. There are four spots available.

Workshop Details

Together we will spend a week creating two murals at an Elementary School or Non-profit organization in the San Jose area. During this workshop, I will walk you through both my creative and business process including:

  • Contracts
  • Design
  • Materials
  • Mural execution
  • Daily workflow and job site logistics
  • Increasing community engagement

Feedback From Past Participants

In 2016, I was a professional artist specializing in chalkboard art, but looking to expand my scope to custom murals. I wasn’t sure where to start, or even if I could paint a mural at all. Morgan was very welcoming and personable, and invited all of us to participate in the design process, making it feel like the murals were a collaboration of our group. I gathered helpful tips on materials, equipment, and even technique that I still use today. Morgan also broke down the business side of the process from the proposal to the contract, which was extremely helpful for me. Morgan’s class helped me realize that I can, indeed, paint a mural! Since the class, I have pivoted my business to exclusively murals, and I am currently finishing up my largest, most complex mural to date.

Jolene Russell

2016 workshop participant

I traveled from Canada to take Morgan’s Master Class for public exterior mural painting. I’d been painting indoor murals for several years but hoped the class would give me the experience and confidence to expand my business to also paint exterior murals. Morgan showed us her techniques and approach, but there was also much more than just painting instruction. While we painted together she also shared with us how she approaches the business side of mural work. I came away inspired to create and with a better understanding that we, as artists, can have a powerful impact on our world. We painted four large exterior walls at a multicultural elementary school. The children and staff made us feel welcomed and appreciated, including introductions at a school-wide kickoff assembly and ending with a thank you lunch. The children ran out at recess to watch the progression – drilling us with questions about what we were doing. I enjoyed chatting with the students so much I earned the nickname “PR” from the group. Seeing the student’s eyes and smiles grow as we completed each scene was magical. I am grateful for the time and energy Morgan put into everything and feel that I can call her any time if I had questions.

Natalie Way

Vancouver, Canada, 2016 Workshop Participant

About Morgan

Morgan has been painting murals in the Bay Area and beyond for over 18 years. She has worked on over 500 different mural projects, ranging from residential and commercial projects to community volunteer and city projects. The workshop will include daily roundtable discussions on the challenges and possibilities of being a professional mural artist. Included in the workshop is a copy of Morgan’s “What Works” binder, a reference book for running a successful mural business.

Application Form

[contact-form-7 id=”12057″ title=”Mural Painting Workshop”]